Brief introduction of ward no.2 Rakhu Bhagwati

Brief introduction of ward no.2 Rakhu Bhagwati

Brief introduction of ward no.2  Rakhu Bhagwati
Jul 5, 2021

 There is a famous Bhagwati temple in Raghuganga village municipality ward no.2. The name of this temple was associated with the name of Bhagwati VDC of Savik. It is attached in front of the name of the VDC. There is another legend about the name Rakhu. According to legend, the famous sage Paulatsya used to perform penance at a place called Pachai under the bridge of this region. When his grandson Ravana was brought back to Uttarakhand, Rakhi came near him and asked him whether he could stay here or not. The name of the place which was earlier asked to be 'Rakhu' has been changed to 'Rakhu' As there is a temple of Bhagwati in a place called Rakhu, the name of this place became Rakhu Bhagwati. The entire part of Rakhu Bhagwati VDC of Savik now belongs to Ward No. 2 of Raghuganga village municipality.

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