Beg Bahadur Purja and Raj Kumari Purja's house was damaged by fire and helpers to help them get relief.

Beg Bahadur Purja and Raj Kumari Purja's house was damaged by fire and helpers to help them get relief.

Beg Bahadur Purja and Raj Kumari Purja's house was damaged by fire and helpers to help them get relief.
Jan 1, 2018
Jebendra Fagami, Begkhola
Last week, the former Begkhola VDC. The following is a list of the houses of Buddijibi Beg Bahadur Purja and Raj Kumari Purja in Tiplyang, Ward No. 9, which were damaged by fire and helpers for their relief.
Good luck to all the helpers.
Note: This is the only amount I have received and other friends have also raised.
Someone who prefers to be alone and doesn't like crowds, even though the world is wide, being alone is more comfortable.
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