Whose fault is it?

Whose fault is it?

Whose fault is it?
Dec 14, 2017
In the room, the skin of the card is painted. Bir Bahadur is in a corner, the son is afraid of devotion. Bire kills money, comes home. "Son, omen, a little taste." He throws a glass of wood at his son. The devotee is silent on his father's tax, says "The valley is burnt".

…………………… Days pass. A devotee sits near his father in the place of playing cards. "Or he throws that fist, the power falls to eight." The devotee does the same. Victory belongs to him. "Today, Chad must eat. Otherwise, what is the fun of Chadparb?" Bire gives his son a glass of wood again. The devotee empties the glass without even holding the "barber".

…………………. Months pass. While playing cards, Bire says - "Devotee, look for a moment, I will come back to urinate." The victory belongs to him, the father is happy. "Another festival is coming, today is Flanno's festival," he urges.

……………… .. (Years pass) Today, Bir Bahadur does not have to teach his son to drink alcohol. You don't have to pay taxes to play cards. Today he has lost everything. The drunken devotee is shaking the door today - Ba, you are my Ba, huh? Ok Give me 500 rupees, Khurukk! I'll add another bottle of beer soon! That didn't touch me. "

Today, Bir Bahadur is putting his hand on his forehead and regretting, "Whose fault is it?"
-Pravin Kumar Malla
Someone who prefers to be alone and doesn't like crowds, even though the world is wide, being alone is more comfortable.
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