Muktidham High Ma. Vs. Of P.A. Farewell program of Revered Guru Chetnath Subedi.

Muktidham High Ma. Vs. Of P.A. Farewell program of Revered Guru Chetnath Subedi.

Muktidham High Ma. Vs. Of P.A. Farewell program of Revered Guru Chetnath Subedi.
Sep 18, 2014
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Today at Muktidham High. Vs. Of P.A. Respected Guru Chetnath Subedi's farewell program has been completed.
Shraddha Guru Shri Chetnath Subediju, who has been serving as the teacher and principal of this Muktidham Higher Secondary School for the past 28 years of his life, has bid farewell in the middle of a program today.
Former VBS president and current VDC president Shri Devendra Bahadur KC, resource person of Muktidham Higher Secondary School Shri Dut Bahadur Garbuja, Amar Bahadur KC on behalf of the teacher, Chudamani Kadenl and students on behalf of the students participated in the program. Ranjana Shrentha, a student of class 10, expressed her views and a farewell song and dance was presented by the students.
In the program, the students who have passed the annual examination of 2070 BS and the first quarter examination of 2071 BS will be given P.A. An award distribution program was conducted by Mr. Chetnath Subedi. On behalf of the school and the students, P.A. Mr. Chetnath Subediju was given Abir, flowers, garlands, food and tokens of love.
The program was chaired by Mr. Devendra Bahadur Malla, Chairman of the School Management Committee, and hosted by Mr. Dut Bahadur Garbuja, a resource person of Muktidham Higher Secondary School. Shri Mukut Bahadur Malla, former resource person Shri Tapt Bahadur Thapa, former VBS president and current VDC president Shri Devendra Bahadur K.C. Mr. Hark Bahadur Khatri, President of Teachers Parents Association, B.B.S. Attendance of Committee Officers, Parents Association Officers, Parents, Alumni, Social Workers, Intellectuals, Teachers and Students etc., Assistant P.A. The program was conducted by Mr. Ramji Bhandari and welcomed by Mr. Laxmi Prasad Sharma Subedi

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