Invite everyone

Invite everyone

Invite everyone
Sep 2, 2013
Invite everyone
At the Ruby Party Palace on Saturday, September 8, the Rakhus Social Welfare Committee, Kathmandu, organized a function to feed the daughters of the entire Rakhu Samaj and the sisters of the Rakhu Social Welfare Committee.
Members who provide financial support

Bhavindra Bahadur Mall 7000
Dilip Kumar Malla and Mrs. Anu Shah Malla 3000
Pilot Arun Malla and Mrs. Chitra Malla 5000
Rajendra Kumar Shrestha 10000
K.V. Bhandari 10,000
Dr. Ravi Mall 3000
Bharat Mall 2000
Su. Tech Bahadur Mall 2000
Shiva Shrestha 15,000
Indra Bahadur Mall 2000
Dr. Hira Bahadur Mall 3500
Basant Kumar Shrestha 2000
Mohan Bahadur Chand 2500
Dan Bahadur Mall 5000
Kumar Shahi and Shabnam Shahi 5000
U Bahadur Mall 2000
Renu Mall 5000
Captain Ram Mall 5000

Someone who prefers to be alone and doesn't like crowds, even though the world is wide, being alone is more comfortable.
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